IHT Core Element: Collaborative Intervention Planning
Collaborative Intervention Planning is a nuanced developmental process that follows from the picture of youth and family that emerges during assessment. The plan starts with the family’s vision for a positive future. Working from a shared understanding of youth and family hopes, needs, and strengths, the IHT team joins with family members to develop a plan of intervention that prioritizes needs, sets measurable goals and objectives, identifies the interventions most likely to succeed, and specifies who is responsible for each piece of the work. Collaborative intervention planning takes into account the family’s circumstances, culture, and readiness to participate; plans evolve with ongoing assessment of progress. Collaborative intervention planning follows the same process whether IHT is the hub or the youth also has Intensive Care Coordination; in the former case, the IHT team takes the lead role for intervention planning, and in the latter the ICC team leads the process.
CONTRIBUTION TO THE OUTCOME: Partnering with families in selecting priority needs, treatment goals, and interventions shows commitment to the CBHI value of family-driven service. Customized planning varies for each family. For all families, intervention planning must be clearly based on the clinical understanding generated in the assessment and on treatment goals that are measurable, observable, and doable. The family and provider use the identified strengths of the youth, family, and community to build specific actions into the plan that apply strengths to meet needs. Because the desired outcome of care is improved functioning across the domains of the youth’s life, IHT may focus on therapeutic interventions that enhance problem-solving, limit-setting, risk management/safety planning, communication, skills to strengthen the family, and productive ways to use community resources. Selecting research-informed interventions demonstrates commitment to continuous learning.
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