Learning from COVID - 19: Breaking the rules

Over 120 people responded to week 1’s question: What is one “rule” you’ve broken that has made your work with families easlier/more efficient?

From you we learned how BRAVE, CREATIVE, and FLEXIBLE everyone is being. A few examples of “broken rules” include:  

  • “Rules” related to self-disclosure: “Disclosing my own feelings and anxieties about this pandemic to support my families in solidarity.” ·      

  • “Rules” related to use of technology: “Allowing use of non-HIPAA compliant platforms when clients are unable to access HIPAA complaint video telehealth or if they feel uncomfortable with video communication.”

  • “Rules” related to paperwork: “Getting verbal releases and consents has made coordinating easier.”

  • “Rules” related to care delivery: ““Allowing therapeutic peer mentors to connect with youth through their video games.”

  • “Rules” related to schedules or availability: “Increasing texting and calling before/after the normal 9-5 so allow [sic] for time to talk when it is more "down time" for the children being home.”  

You can still respond to the week 1 survey below!