Learning from COVID - Residential and Group Home Edition
Residential settings and inpatient facilities are leveraging video conferencing platforms such as Zoom to maintain family connections, especially through finding virtual alternatives to structured activities previously done in person. Staff recognize that children may be tired from virtual interaction and have devised solutions.
We have done video visits! Where kids and caregivers get to play board games together read stories share pictures play tic-tac-toe
Also using Zoom and adding it special fun features in zoom like changing backgrounds and adding special effects
Zoom, sending photos to kids from caregivers to help build relationships and strengthen connections through telling family stories. Playing games together via video chat, reading nighttime stories with loved ones
Option of phone calls to replace virtual family time for kids who are tired of virtual interaction
More but shorter virtual (screen) family time
Residential settings and inpatient facilities use writing letters and sending cards as a way of connecting children and their families, and they have provided supplies to make this possible.
Also sending envelopes with stamps to the families so they can write letters.
Youth were assisted in writing letters to their connections and these were mailed with a pre-addressed, stamped envelope and card/writing paper to facilitate responses.
Sending cards and letters through the mail.
Residential settings and inpatient facilities have arranged in-person visits following social distancing procedures, such as meeting outdoors.
For the in program group, we have continued to support visits as much as possible, engaging in screening of youth and families both before and after any contact
Supporting in program visits following social distancing guidelines in either ‘clean’ rooms or outdoors
Driveway tailgate visits while social distancing
Social distancing visits on the porch or in the yard
Staff have actively communicated with families to support them in maintaining connection with their children.
We've increase communicate to help families be informed and feel connected... strategies include weekly Covid-19 response updates and virtual Town Hall meetings.
We developed a list of fifty activities that families can do virtually.
Coaching milieu staff to engage with caregivers and support kids with staying connected.
Other platforms residential settings and inpatient facilities have used to keep youth and their families engaged include phone calls, emails, social media, and tele-health services.
Phone calls
Weekly emails
Social media
Telehealth services