
Role modeling is demonstrating, through actions, words, and manner, the types of behavior that will contribute to young adults’ success and personal growth. Modeling a range of skills in communication contributes to establishing a young adult voice. Modeling strong, confident, reliable behavior demonstrates the YAPM’s capacity to support young adults’ progress toward independence, wellness,
emotional regulation, successful problem-solving, self-advocacy, healthy
interpersonal interactions, and meaningful community life. Using lived experience with purpose and intent to function as a positive role model means that the YAPM:

  • Uses authentic “relatable” lived experience that establishes connections as a role model in the transition to independence;

  • Actively models when and how to share lived experience effectively and safely;

  • Helps young adults to recognize the impact of their behaviors;

  • Respects the dignity of taking risks as part of self-discovery;

  • Thoughtfully shares YAPM’s experience of both setbacks and progress that resulted from their actions;

  • Demonstrates efficacy in decision-making and interactions with others;

  • Uses YAPM’s lived experience as evidence

"....the young adults will mirror virtually everything that you do, and they follow your every movement, from being respectful, listening, to the way that we carry ourselves, to the way that we dress. Therefore you have to be very conscious of what you’re doing because they are going to follow everything you do.” - Eddy Young Adult Peer Mentor